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The invisible disease

It is an obscure and nebulous task but someone has to do it.

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Luminous laboratory of life blog

For a while I have been fiddling around with some old writing of mine. It is old, very old...

My good buddy, writing cohort and literary assessor, Mr Livingstone described it as being "impressionistic", so I gave the whole body of work the working title ­ 'From the impressionists chiliocosm'.

In considering posting it I have considered other titles which might prepare the reader for the very loosely defined nature of the work. That being so I considered some subtitles that might act somewhat as a guide for how to approach the work, but also as an apology for something that wanders impulsively, and lacks continuity and form.

Some auxillary subtitles:

Notes for a sinking life

mountain embraces the sky

Morning comes you still
lie in each others embrace
long cloud dark mountain

What's up ?

Like the door to a funeral

I had a friend come to stay for a day or two. Her son, who is currently in Japan, had his belongings in the storage unit that burned down recently. I went along with her to learn of the fate of the things and whether any were retrievable. This is the record of what remained.

. . . more

sticking up fungi

Due to the peculiar circumstances of my life, I have over the last few years had the opportunity to observe many types of life form that grow in the absence of illumination. By some dint of fortune I have been able to photograph some of them that are able to be observed within the spectrum of visible light. They are my first slide-show on my website. They are by no means great photographs - due to poor lighting and camera focus issues not to ignore the ineptutude of the photoschnapper. They might serve as items of interest about some of the things that we share our planet with. Here are some but not all of them - there are some that could not be caught by the lens. This content temporarily removed


Inverted views

a view of life on the other side

I'd had the concept of 'inverted views' on my mind for a wee while when I came across this. See the photo of what looks like a spring onion with its roots sticking out of the ground. As if they are seeking the dry air and sunlight. Later I realised that it was a perfect image to illustrate inverted views. When I have heard the term of 'inverted views' mentioned on non-mainstream media it is of them being a kind of Orwellian doublespeak, but the term is also frequently found in old Chan (Chinese Zen) texts. Used in the Orwellian sense it is used in the sense of duplicity and deception. In the Chan/Zen usage it is more of a delusion - usually in the sense of taking the harmful as being good in a moral sense, but also the sense of views that bring about or add to suffering.